

 orderDaniel Renjewski; An engineering contribution to human gait biomechanis. Dissertation (2012)
bibtexRenjewski, D., Witte, H. (2007). Echoabbildung am Beispiel der Kantenerkennung nach biologischem Vorbild. Techn. Univ., Diplomarbeit – Ilmenau, 2007.

Journal Publication

Buchmann, Alexandra; Wenzler, Simon; Welte, Lauren; Renjewski, Daniel: The effect of including a mobile arch, toe joint, and joint coupling on predictive neuromuscular simulations of human walking. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2024
Renjewski D, Lipfert S, Günther M. Foot function enabled by human walking dynamics. Phys Rev E. Published online December 8, 2022. doi:10.1103/physreve.106.064405
 Susanne Lipfert, Michael Günther, Daniel Renjewski, André Seyfarth; Impulsive ankle push-off powers leg swing in human walking; The Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (4), (2014)
 Daniel Renjewski, André Seyfarth; Robots in human biomechanics – a study on ankle push off in walking; Biomimetics & Bioinspiration 7 036005 (2012)
 Susanne Lipfert, Michael Günther, Daniel Renjewski, Sten Grimmer, André Seyfarth; A model-experiment comparison of system dynamics for human walking and running; The Journal of Theoretical Biology 292, pp.11-17 (2011)

Conference Articles and Contributions

Buchmann, Alexandra; Kiss, Bernadett; Badri-Spröwitz, Alexander; Renjewski, Daniel: Power to the Springs: Passive Elements are Sufficient to Drive Push-Off in Human Walking. In: Robotics in Natural Settings. Springer International Publishing, 2022
Buchmann, Alexandra; Kiss, Bernadett; Renjewski, Daniel; Badri-Spröwitz, Alexander: Functional Analysis of the Swing Leg Catapult in Human Walking. 8. IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz, 2022, Online-Konferenz
Renjewski, Daniel; Lipfert, Susanne; Günther, Michael: The Foot in Walking – Towards Developing a Constrained Model of Stance Phase Dynamics. Volume 9: 18th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022
Kiss, Bernadett; Gonen, Emre Cemal; Mo, An; Badri-Sprowitz, Alexander; Buchmann, Alexandra; Renjewski, Daniel: Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-like Walking in a Bipedal Robot. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2022
Kiss, Bernadett; Buchmann, Alexandra; Renjewski, Daniel; Badri-Sprowitz, AlexanderQuestions around the catapult mechanism in human legged locomotion. Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY (SICB) , 2022

Susanne Lipfert, Daniel Renjewski, and Michael Günther; The push-off has a catch, Dynamic Walking Meeting 2014, Zurich
posterDaniel Renjewski, Mikhail Jones, Andrew Peekema, and Jonathan Hurst; Template based control of a humanoid bipedal robot, Dynamic Walking Meeting 2014, Zurich
Daniel Renjewski, Susanne Lipfert, Michael Günther, and André Seyfarth; Impulsive ankle push-off powers leg swing in human walking, Society of Experimental Biology Meeting 2013, Valencia
pdfDaniel Renjewski, and Jonathan Hurst, ATRIAS – a human size compliant bipedal robot walks efficiently, Dynamic Walking 2013, Pittsburgh
Daniel Renjewski, Robotic spring-mass walkers – potential and limitations, Dynamic Walking 2012, Pensacola
Frank Peuker, Daniel Renjewski, Martin Groß, Sten Grimmer and Andre Seyfarth, Bio- and robotic-inspired simulation of limb loss in quadrupeds, Dynamic Walking 2011, Jena
 pdfRenjewski D., Seyfarth A. How come a moving biped does not fall – the challenge to apply theoretical stability concepts, US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 27- July 02, State College, USA, 2010.
pdfRenjewski D., Seyfarth A., Manoonpong P., Wörgötter F. The development of a biomechanical leg system and its neural control, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec 18-22, Guilin, China, 2009.
pdfPoster presentation Dynamic Walking 2008 (1.57 MB)
Renjewski D., Seyfarth A., Manoonpong P., Wörgötter F. From Biomechanical Concepts Towards Fast And Robust Robots, Advances in Mobile Robotics: Proc. of 11th CLAWAR, Marques L, Almeida A, Tokhi MO, Virk GS (Eds.), World Scientific: 630-637, 2008

  1. 1.
    Renjewski D, Lipfert S, Günther M. Foot function enabled by human walking dynamics. Phys Rev E. Published online December 8, 2022. doi:10.1103/physreve.106.064405

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